Version 8

After a long hiatus, I have finally gotten around to rebuilding on the site. The colophon has been updated but I figured I'd spend a bit of time explaining the why.


The biggest change is moving to Svelte. I've been hearing a lot about it and wanted to give it a shot. I've been moving more and more towards CSS Modules (or Styled Components, depending on the stack) and Svelte is like an all in version of that. JS, CSS, and HTML are all packaged up in a single module.


While I'm branching out to a new stack, I am still a big fan of statically generated sites so I'm using Sapper, thanks to some tips from Level Up Tutorials, to generate the site.


As a big fan of I created a Uses page for me to detail the tools I'm currently using. Here's hoping I continue to refine it.

Design changes

I've made some small design changes as, hopefully, a precursor to more updates. I'm hoping to treat this site less a a blog and more as a personal space on the web that I tinker with more.

Here's hoping...