Here's a current snapshot of the tools I use.
- One of my favorite projects, I am constantly tinkering with my Dotfiles.
- While I've tried Hyper a few times, and love the idea of it, I continue to use iTerm for it's stability and speed.
- I use Dank Mono for my terminal as well.
- VS Code is my editor of choice after years of Atom and Sublime Text before that. Some of my fav extensions/themes are:
- Better Comments highlights lines based on the type of comment.
- File Icons helps provide some visual recognition to file types.
- Import Cost displays the estimated size of the imported packages.
- Shades of Purple puts my favorite color into daily practice.
- Wrap Console Log wraps variables into console log, cause despite my desire to utilize debugging, I still reach for
- Prettier handles all my formatting needs.
- It took quite a while for me to come around to it, but I'm on board with TypeScript.
- ESLint now handles TS linting and Prettier integration.
- Dank Mono is my current fav mix of mono-spaced, ligaturized, font for all my dev uses.
OS & Apps
- I use MacOS for both work and personal.
- Alfred App handles my snippets and clipboard history (along with other goodness) and some of my favorite workflows are: